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Basic Skills

The development of Basic Skills facilitate leaning abilities and quick acquisition of knowledge. The links below direct you to the specific basic skills and tools to help foster them in yourself or others!!


Active Learning and Listening

Active Learning encompasses a host of habits that are connected to independently engaging your surroundings including but not limited to listening; observing; taking risks (going above and beyond); engaging others; volunteering; shadowing; reading; attending seminars; researching; professional associations; etc. Essentially active learning is centered on you and not on anyone else including your teachers or professors. It is acknowledgement that you own your own learning and most importantly, it is driven by passion that will continue to grow the more active you become.

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Critical Thinking: Obtaining, Processing, & Analyzing Information/Data

Critical thinking is the process of collecting valid data from various resources including quantitative and qualitative, processing the data in a manner that standardizes the information using appropriate techniques. Critical thinking is essential to complex problem solving and decision making.  

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Communication Skills:Verbal and Written

Communication skills are always at the top of employers' and professors' lists as the skills that students need to development the most. Every student needs to develop communication skills, regardless of their career or life path. Communication skills involve both verbal and nonverbal areas, including:

  • Speaking: Involves the ability to talk to others while effectively expressing information (O*NET)
  • Reading Comprehension: Include the ability to fluently identify and understand written text in a variety of formats. (O*NET)
  • Writing:  Involves the ability to communicate effectively in writing and altering to meet the varying needs of specific audiences (O*NET)
  • Editing
  • Influencing Others or Persuasion
  • Creating Reports
  • Public Speaking
  • Non-verbal

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Learning Strategies

Learning strategies include the ability to select and utilize different instructional methods that are appropriate for various situations, when learning or teaching new information (O*NET). Back to Top

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Monitoring skills involve the ability to assess your individual performance as well as the performance of other individuals. Monitoring skills also involve identifying when improvements should be made or corrective actions should be taken (O*NET)  

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  • Science

    • Science skills include the ability to implement scientific rules and methods when solving problems (O*NET)
  • Technology

  • Engineering

  • and Mathematics

    • Mathematics skills involve the ability to solve a variety of problems presented(O*NET)

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