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High School Counselors Resources

The WNY College Connection will assist you with a number of college admissions issues as they pertain to the 21 WNY colleges and universities. This web site is a portal to information from each of the institutions and is designed to assist students to more easily locate college and university specific information without having to search each college web site individually. As a School Counselor, we invite you to use this website to introduce students to WNY higher education through our College Degree Finder, Student Life Profiler, Career Assessments, Discover WNY, YouTube Videos, Calendar of Events, and other useful features like our sections on Admissions, Financial Aid, College Success, Internships, and Planning a Visit. The following links will assist you in your task of counseling your students through the college admissions process.

  • Open House Dates for WNY Consortium of Higher Education Colleges and Universities  
  • WNY College Tour Program: This link provides information regarding the WNY College tour program for school counselors. All registrations must be received by March 1, 2019. Questions can be directed to Nancy Driscoll at [email protected]  or 1-800-425-3733.  Click Tour Information for more info!
  • Promote WNY College Connection to your students and their parents!  The below promotional materials can be downloaded and printed by you to distribute to your parents. 
  • The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board is composed of more than 5,700 schools, colleges, universities and other educational organizations. Each year the College Board serves seven million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,800 colleges through major programs and services in college readiness, college admission, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning.

The College Board has a wealth of resources for School Counselors that will assist you with Preparing Students for CollegeFinding Colleges that Fit, Facilitating the Application Process, Advising on College Board Tests, Explaining Financial Aid, and The Counseling Profession. This web site is an incredible tool when surveying the broader issues facing students during the college admissions process.

  • ACT like College Board, is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides a broad array of assessment, research, information, and program management solutions in the areas of education and workforce development.
  • Most colleges will accept either SAT I or ACT scores. Since some students perform better on the ACT, and some perform better on the SAT, it is to your advantage to investigate both exams. Ivy West has a great resource for parents and counselors to compare ACT and SAT scores.
  • The WNY Collegiate Consortium and Disability Advocates, better known as CCDA, is comprised of a group of post-secondary and secondary education professionals, and community and government agency representatives who are directly involved in working with students with disabilities. The group was originally formed to address the needs of students with disabilities on WNY college campuses, and has expanded its focus to include the preparation of students with disabilities for the transition from high school to college.  
  • What every high school student should know. When you are counseling your students, you can use two web sites to help them understand what they need to achieve in order to better prepare themselves for college. and the SUNY web site are great resources for High School students, showing them what they need to consider as they plan for college.
  • The Common Application currently provides both online and print versions of its First-year and Transfer Applications. Its membership of nearly 400 institutions now represents the full range of higher education institutions in the US: public and private, large and small, highly selective and modestly selective, and East Coast, West Coast, and every region in between.
  • The New York State Association for College Admissions Counseling (NYSACAC): The New York State Association for College Admissions Counseling (NYSACAC) is the state affiliate of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC), the only professional association composed of members from secondary schools, community-based organizations, colleges and universities. NYSACAC welcomes members who are involved in assisting students in the transition into their post-secondary education.
  • The National Association for College Admissions Counseling will support and advance the work of counseling and enrollment professionals as they help all students realize their full educational potential, with particular emphasis on the transition to postsecondary education. The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) was founded in 1937 and is an organization of more than 11,000 professionals from around the world dedicated to serving students as they make choices about pursuing postsecondary education.
  • Buffalo National College Fair This site is the official site of the Local Arrangements Committee which helps plan and organize NACAC's National College fair in Buffalo, NY.
  • What can I do with this major? is a web site that helps students connect majors to careers. Click on MAJORS of interest to see outlines of common career areas, employers, and strategies designed to maximize career opportunities. Choose LINKS to find a list of websites that provide additional information.
  • WNY College Connection Scholarship Page