College Degree Finder
Student Life Profiler
Youtube Videos
Career Assessment
Discover WNY


Welcome International Students To The WNY College Connection!

Western New York (WNY) has students from all over the world enrolled in its colleges and universities.  The WNY region is located on an international border and enjoys a wide variety of cultural, sport, recreational, and educational venues (See Discover WNY).  In addition, with over 21 colleges and universities, Western New York is one of America's top College Towns in the nation.  It's no wonder the concentration of international college students is among the highest in the nation.

This web site is designed to help you navigate the college selection, application, and financial aid processes.  Through easy to navigate tabs at the top of this site, you will quickly gain access to specific offices you will need to connect with from any one of our 21 colleges and universities.  This site is designed for you, the busy high school student who wants quick and accessible information!


You will see modules to your left that will help you identify the perfect school and get you started on the right foot!  

  • College Degree Finder: This tool will help you to identify the discipline (i.e. business, education, engineering) and the major (marketing, elementary education, or electrical engineering) and with a click of the button, all of the schools in WNY that offer your degree!

  • Student Life Profiler: Learn what kind of Sports, Cultural, Social, Service, Greek, and other clubs and organizations are on each of the campuses in WNY!
  • Career Assessment: Start college with a clear focus on why you are there and what direction you are going in!  Links to high quality Career Assessments will help you choose a career direction and the appropriate major.  Those who start college with a career focus are more likely to graduate on time (saving $10,000s of your money!), graduate with a higher Grade Point Average, and graduate better prepared to start your career!  The ultimate goal of career assessments are to give you a direction and the best possible chance to succeed in college and beyond.
  • Discover WNY: Western New York (WNY) has a wealth of things to do and Discover WNY will show you a Western New York that will definitely surprise you!
  • Calendar: Take a look at what the 21 colleges and universities are offering!

Sources of Additional Resources

There are a variety of requirements for international students.  Click on Sources of Additional Resources to find links to valuable resources as you plan your college experience!