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Additional Scholarship Websites

  1. Intel Science Talent Search
  2. Broke Scholars Scholarships
  3. National Merit Scholarships
  4. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
  5. Paralegal Scholarships
  6. Women in Computer Science Scholarships
  7. Siemens Foundation Competition
  8. International Students Scholarships & Aid Help
  9. Bryan Cameron Education Foundation Impact Scholarship
  11. Hispanic Scholarship Fund | General College Scholarship
  12. UNCF Merck Science Initiative | Scholarships and Fellowships
  13. Microsoft College Scholarships
  14. Choose Home Security Scholarship Contest
  15. Houzz Scholarship Program
  16. Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
  17. NSHSS Foundation STEM Scholarships
  18. United Negro College Fund Scholarship Opportunities
  19. Guaranteed Scholarships
  20. Hope Scholarships and Lifetime Learning Credits
  21. Deca Scholarships
  22. Ayn Rand Institute
  23. The GoodCall Scholarship Search Engine
  24. AFROTC High School Scholarships
  25. The Elks National Foundation Scholarships
  26. Art Deadlines and Scholarships
  27. Marine Corps Scholarships
  28. National Scholarships at All Levels
  29. Burger King Scholars (Annual Awards)
  30. Ambassadorial Scholarships
  31. Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarships
  32. Scholarship Research Center: US NEWS
  33. Astronaut Scholarships
  34. National Federation of the Blind Scholarships
  35. Scholarship Database (Alphabetical Listing)
  36. The Roothbert Fund Scholarships
  37. Federal Scholarships and Aid
  38. Wells Fargo Scholarships
  39. Orphan Foundation of America
  40. American Fire Sprinkler Scholarship Contest
  41. Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund (Activist)
  42. Federal Student Aid Portal
  43. Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships
  44. Alger Association Scholarships (Horatio)
  45. Bowling Scholarships
  46. National Federation of Music Clubs
  47. AXA Achievement Scholarship
  48. Undesignated Scholarships (Engineering)
  49. Wal Mart Community Scholarship
  50. American Library Association
  51. Harvard T.H. Chan Scholarships
  52. League Foundation LGBTQ Scholarships
  53. Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
  54. Coca-Cola Scholars Program
  55. Business Management Scholarships
  56. Society of Women Engineers
  57. Green Home Improvement Scholarship
  58. American Dental Education Association Scholarships
  59. Best Medical Assistant Programs Scholarship
  60. American Psychological Association Scholarships, Grants and Awards
  61. The Expert Institute
  62. The Sleeklens Academic Scholarship Program
  63. Medical Assistant Scholarships
  64. Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf
  65. Tobacco Free Life Scholarships
  66. DreamLands Design Scholarship
  67. Addiction Resources Scholarship

Other Options:

  • Check with high school guidance office, county offices, libraries.
  • Local Rotary, Elks, Lions Clubs.
  • Community organizations to which student and/or family members belong.
  • National organizations & corporations.
  • Banks and Credit Unions.
  • Parents' Networks, ie. Employers; religious, fraternal, or community organizations.
  • Alumni Associations at schools student's parents attended.