Disability Services For New Students
Almost every college and university has an office that provides academic supports to students identified with disabilities. The purpose of the Disability Services (DS) Office is to foster a learning environment which is accessible to all students. DS staff are available to assist students with arranging reasonable accommodations in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Section 504 stipulates that a person with a disability must be otherwise qualified; i.e., able, with or without accommodations, to meet the requisite criteria for admissions to the college and its programs. Therefore, you must be capable of college level work with appropriate accommodations.
It is the responsibility of students to disclose their disability to the college or university in order to secure appropriate accommodations, academic supports, modifications, auxiliary aids and to best understand how to approach their collegiate education. All identification of students with disabilities must be voluntary. Within a college setting, students with disabilities are personally responsible for meeting with the campus counselor to identify needs, provide appropriate disability documentation and arrange for reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are made on an as-needed basis.
Documentation of disability is the basis for all accommodations. Documentation must demonstrate that the individual has a disability as defined by Section 504 and state the impact which that disability has for the individual in an educational environment. Colleges and universities have the right to make the final decision as to what accommodations are appropriate and reasonable. All information provided pertinent to the individual's disability is confidential and is maintained by the of Disabled Services Office.
Accommodations may include:
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To better understand how and when to disclose your disability, click on your school of choice below to link directly to its Disability Services Office.
Additional Information for Students with Disabilities
The WNY Collegiate Consortium and Disability Advocates, better known as CCDA, is comprised of a group of post-secondary and secondary education professionals, and community and government agency representatives who are directly involved in working with students with disabilities. The group was originally formed to address the needs of students with disabilities on WNY college campuses, and has expanded its focus to include the preparation of students with disabilities for the transition from high school to college.
What does CCDA do?
1. Share information and network to address the needs of students on our campuses. 2. Developed regional materials to address campus and transition issues. 3. Provide education and information for high school students with disabilities, their parents and secondary education professionals e. g. College Night for Students with Disabilities (18th year) has expanded to include similar programs at Williamsville East HS and Batavia HS. 4. Produce and disseminate information to assist in transition planning e.g. Matrix of academic diploma/degree requirements, CCDA website. 5. Conduct training for secondary and post-secondary professionals on transition, legal and disability issues e.g. breakfast seminars, teleconferences, speakers. 6. Provide speakers for classes, assemblies, parent groups. Click on the WNY Collegiate Consortium and Disability Advocates to link to their web site.