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Economic Powerhouse

Universities and colleges together form an economic powerhouse, pumping dollars directly into the economy and transferring cutting edge knowledge and talent to the private and public sectors. The Consortium is committed to strengthening collaboration among its network of colleges and institutions, as well as forging partnerships with regional private and public sectors. Its efforts will enhance the experience of students and improve local communities by contributing significantly to the knowledge economy of the Western New York region.

The Facts about the WNY Higher Education:

  • $3,200,000,000 economic impact on WNY economy with $2,000,000,000 of direct institutional spending and an economic impact double that of the Buffalo Medical Campus and 20 times larger than the not-for-profit arts and cultural institutions;
  • 32,000 full- and part-time jobs with $122,000,000 in local and state taxes; and
  • 22,469 degrees conferred annually, with 7 in 100 residents being college students, a number greater than Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Denver, Cleveland, Baltimore and Austin Texas.


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