Career Assessment
- Choosing a Major : Do you know how many different occupations you have to choose from? The Department of Labor registers over 44,000 jobs. So, how would you learn about these jobs, and how would you know which one (or ones) of these tens-of-thousands of jobs are right for you anyway? Because majors often lead to select career opportunities, every student needs to select a major that most closely aligns with specific personal characteristics like interests, values, abilities, and the type of work environment you desire. The following assessments will assist you with your choice!
- WOWI direct ($49.95): The WOWI direct color match helps you determine whether you are People, Data, or Things person, or some combination of the three. The color match tailors a report that explains your unique career profile by matching your assessment results to the requirements of the many available careers. From that result you can begin to more fully explore the careers and majors that are most appealing to you.
- Career Zone New York (free): CareerZone leverages the power of the web to provide: information on 800 occupations from the national Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Database; the latest labor market information from the state Department of Labor; and interactive middle and high school career portfolios aligned with the NYS Education Department Career Plan initiative. Links to college exploration and planning resources help you begin your life/work journey. Over 450 career videos provide a visual of the workplace and bring careers to life.
- Career One Stop - Pathways to Career Success (~$30): Career One Stop is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration and offers a number of resources for students looking for the right career. This web site provides you with a wealth of information on your interests; career options; work experience; education; and training, salaries, benefits, and green careers.
- O*NET (free): The O*NET program is the nation's primary source of occupational information. The O*NET database contains information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors. The database is continually updated by surveying a broad range of workers from each occupation. O*NET is an interactive application for exploring and searching occupations. The database also provides Career Exploration Tools, a set of valuable assessment instruments for students looking to find a career.
- Learn How to Become: A new resource for students and job seekers looking for in-depth career information and guidance. This non-commercial organization, provides detailed insight into 45 of today's most popular career fields, including accounting, engineering, medical assisting, nursing, firefighting, financial advising and teaching. Each career has its own customized "how-to" guide, addressing important questions and detailing educational and professional steps needed to enter the field including, coursework in high school, a college degree, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, professional exams, and certification.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook (free): For hundreds of different types of jobs-such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse-the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you:
- Training and Education Needed
- Earnings Potential
- Future Job Market Outlook
- Working Conditions
- Job Search Tips
- Links to Information about the Job Market in each State and much, much more!