Critical thinking Skills
- Check out The Critical Thinking Community, an educational non-profit organization, aimed at promoting essential change in
education and society through the cultivation of fairminded critical
- The Critical Thinking Community has a You Tube channel with a variety of helpful videos including, Critical Thinking and the Basic Elements of Thought, How to Teach Series and Critical thinking for Children.
- The article "Critical Thinking Skills: What are They and How Do I Get Them" provides information about developing critical thinking skills as well as additional links to more information.
- The article "Think About it: Critical Thinking" provides advice and tools for parents to encourage critical thinking skills.
- The article "Jobs and the Skills Gap" explains that students must be taught and learn how to apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems. This can be accomplished by appealing to a student's interests, learning style, and aptitudes. Teachers need to start teaching students how to apply knowledge, by organizing for application or contextualized instruction, as this method has been proven to show that students retain knowledge better and perform better on tests than the old way.