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Sexual Assault Awareness, Prevention, and Compliance Task Force


Mission of the Task Force

We are committed to preventing sexual violence through educational interventions and effective processes.  We seek to support the campus community holistically by creating an environment of enlightened dialogue and providing opportunities to share in best practices and resources, as well as current legislation and legal decisions.

Awareness and Prevention Vision Statement

To serve as a community based educational convener that is dedicated to creating opportunities and resources that will engage the WNY Consortium of Higher Education and the larger Western New York community in an ongoing dialogue about sexual assault violence awareness and prevention.

Compliance Vision Statement

Through the sharing of pertinent resources, documents, and appropriate government and legal guidance, the Compliance committee will ensure that administrators have the proper information and tools to modify policies and procedures.  We envision being able to share professional staff, documents, processes, and other best practices so as to protect campuses and students alike.



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