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WNY Collegiate Consortium and Disability Advocates

The WNY Collegiate Consortium and Disability Advocates, better known as CCDA, is comprised of a group of post-secondary and secondary education professionals, and community and government agency representatives who are directly involved in working with students with disabilities. The group was originally formed to address the needs of students with disabilities on WNY college campuses, and has expanded its focus to include the preparation of students with disabilities for the transition from high school to college.  Click on the WNY Collegiate Consortium and Disability Advocates to link to their web site.

What does CCDA do?

1. Share information and network to address the needs of students on our campuses. 2. Developed regional materials to address campus and transition issues. 3. Provide education and information for high school students with disabilities, their parents and secondary education professionals e. g. College Night for Students with Disabilities (18th year) has expanded to include similar programs at Williamsville East HS and Batavia HS. 4. Produce and disseminate information to assist in transition planning e.g. Matrix of academic diploma/degree requirements, CCDA website. 5. Conduct training for secondary and post-secondary professionals on transition, legal and disability issues e.g. breakfast seminars, teleconferences, speakers. 6. Provide speakers for classes, assemblies, parent groups. 


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