campus resources
Campus websites can be a rich source of information that can help you assist your student with finding information. Remember, it is not always the best strategy to contact the "highest" official connected to your concern. Most times, the "highest" official will need to gather information from the offices that have the details such as residence life or student accounts. Most often is more effective to contact the office where the concern is with specifics about the concern. Students should make the first contact in person once they identify the appropriate office through the website or a series of phone calls.
Campus Calendar: when your student says there is nothing to do on-campus
Counseling Office: when your student needs someone other than their parent to talk to
Directory: where your student can find students or campus personnel by first or last name
Health Services: where your student can find health forms and insurance information
Academic Advising: where your student can resolve issues related to major course of study and registration; tutoring and/or academic coaching
Registrar: where students can find information on course schedules, program plans, and/or grades
Financial Aid: where students can go to for issues regarding loans, grants, and scholarships
Student Accounts/Bursar: where students can go for payment information including various payment options
Residence Life: where students can go for information on housing concerns including roommate conflicts
Career Center: where students can go to find information on volunteering, internships, and everything related to finding a job after college or applying to graduate school
Student Handbook: where students can find all current policies and procedures
College Catalog: where students can find information on academic requirements including grade appeals procedures
Dean of Students: where students can often find assistance with "where" to start addressing a concern
Student Activities: where students can go for a listing of campus organizations and scheduled activities
Student Government : sometimes called Student Senate or Student Association, where students can find student leaders and organizations they may join
Campus Police or Campus Security
Disability Services: where students can find information and rousrouces for accommodations related to learning or physical disabilities
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Office (EO/AA): where students can go to find academic supports and other resources
Multicultural or Diversity Services: where students can go to find ways to learn more about other cultures and, if necessary, resolved issues relating to diversity
International or Global Programs Office: where students can go for information about studying overseas
**Search Engine: Use the search engine on your institution's website to look up information. You may type in a name or a word or phrase, such as "student handbook"
Remember that it is important that your child takes the lead on finding solutions to their concerns and/or problems. When students take responsibility for the success of their own academic experience, they gain in ways that will benefit them throughout life!