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Online degrees

Online degrees are a flexible option for students who are engaged during the day and who are motivated to self-regulate their time and career goals.  Online classes use multiple multi-media technologies to engage students and educate a class on the subject.  However, while online classes have "chat boards" where you can discuss topics with your fellow online classmates, they do not afford students the opportunity to meet face-to-face.  The WNY Consortium of Higher Education provides high quality online programming in a variety of disciplines.  The following links will connect you to online degree programs.

Alfred State College, SUNY College of Technology

 Houghton College

 Alfred University

 Jamestown Community College (JCC)

 Bryant & Stratton College

 Medaille College

 Buffalo State College

 Niagara County Community College (NCCC)

 Canisius College

 Niagara University

 D'Youville College

 St. Bonaventure University

 Daemen College

 SUNY Fredonia

 Erie Community College (ECC)

 Trocaire College

 Empire State College

 University at Buffalo (UB)

 Genesee Community College (GCC)

 Villa Maria College

 Hilbert College