New York State Financial Aid Administrator's Association (NYSFAAA), Region 1
The New York State Financial Aid Administrators Association (NYSFAAA)
was founded in 1968 by a group of people involved in the financial aid
process. They, and others, felt a need for an association that would provided
unified representation and the means of communication among financial aid
personnel with the higher education community, and would provide educational
programs for the professional development of its members. Additionally,
the association would act as a liaison to the regional association (Eastern
Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators--EASFAA) and thus to
the national association (National Association for Student Financial Aid
Administrators--NASFAA.) more.....
Region 1 represents the members of the WNY Consortium of Higher Education. The Region is involved in a variety of collaborations and hosts a number of financial aid seminars in the community at local school districts.
NYSFAAA Region 1 Organizational Documentation and Resources
- Region 1 Officers & Region Representatives List
- NYSFAAA Resource Center
- NYSFAAA Connection: Association Newsletter