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WNY Adult Education Consortium

The WNY Adult Education Consortium is an association of WNY colleges and universities committed to assisting adult learners returning to the classroom.  As more and more adults continue their education, WNY Adult Education Consortium member institutions of higher learning are recognizing the unique challenges individuals face and are addressing their concerns. Each WNY Adult Education Consortium institution provides a comfortable atmosphere and flexible programming to make re-entry into education as smooth as possible.  For more information, click on WNY Adult Education Consortium Membership.  A WNY Adult Education Consortium representative can help you with connecting to the group's leadership or to programs that may meet your academic, career, and personal goals. 

A Resource for the Organization

Businesses, agencies, organizations, and unions may also take advantage of services offered by WNY Adult Education Consortium.  Member institutions work with organizations to encourage individuals to continue their education in order to promote a mutually beneficial work environment. 

  • Evening and weekend classes
  • Independent study
  • Individual counseling and advisement
  • Credit for prior learning
  • Individualized degree programs
  • Daycare services
  • Financial aid for full-time/part-time studies
  • Scholarships for full-time/part-time studies
  • Tutoring services
  • Skill improvement classes

Additional Sources of Information and Research