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Western New York Counselor Tour 2017

April 23-26, 2017
The tour includes:
Campus tours of 10 area colleges and universities
A visit to Niagara Falls that includes a walking tour
Meals are provided at each college and lodging costs are covered by the WNY Consortium
Sunday evening is Buffalo night and will offer "college tables" for seven additional WNY Colleges
Colleges to be toured include:
Alfred State College (SUNY)
Buffalo State College (SUNY)
Canisius College
Daemen College
D'Youville College
Medaille College
Niagara University
St. Bonaventure University
SUNY Fredonia
University at Buffalo (SUNY)
The Western New York Consortium of Higher Education is a diverse group of two-year and four-year, public and private institutions located in and around Buffalo, New York. General information, registration forms, cost, and tour itinerary can be viewed and printed by going to: All registrations must be received by March 1, 2017. Questions can be directed to Nancy Driscoll at [email protected]  or 1-800-4AL-FRED (1-800-425-3733).