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Academic Leadership Institute (ALI)

The colleges and universities of the WNY Consortium of Higher Education seek to advance the knowledge and skill sets of their academic leaders as well as the community of learning that will result from a year-long professional development journey.  The specific objective of the Academic Leadership Institute is to create a program with a training and management development foci, designed to educate a range of individuals holding positions such as: department chairs, associate deans, deans, directors, associate vice presidents and additional academic staff members from regional campuses to better understand how to manage educational institutions, schools, and departments from a variety of levels and perspectives. One intention of the program is to identify and assist in the development of individuals, with the potential to develop those same individuals for the sake of creating succession plans for the institutions sponsoring their participation in this program. Institute topics include but are not limited to:

  • Trends in higher education
  • Collaborating with faculty and staff in higher education
  • Premises and theories of leadership
  • P-20 pipeline and community partnerships
  • Managing and facilitating change in higher education
  • Assessment, program review and accreditation
  • Navigating politics within the region; responding to state and federal regulations

Roster, Mission, Vision & Meetings

